Making Progress
It is proving to be another busy year for our charity. Our mission remains to raise awareness and money for stillbirth research. I have been working with the research team at Manchester University and the Welsh Government to help reduce the terrible statistics which still exist.
Over the last year or so, I have been on the steering group of the Priority Setting Partnership for Late Stillbirth. Our aim is to establish the top ten unanswered research questions in stillbirth. We have sent out two surveys, the second of which closes on Monday 26th January. The final workshop for this project is on 2nd February. The questions will be put on a UK database.
Following on from the 'One Day Inquiry into Reduced Fetal Movements' at the Welsh Assembly, I was a member of the National Stillbirth Working Group for Wales. Stillbirth reduction in Wales was the goal. The group reported its findings in March 2014. The group has now been reconvened to push the recommendations forward. I attended the first meeting last week and was pleased to see the progress being made.
I look forward to updating you on upcoming events. As always, I appreciate all the support that you give us in our mission.
With many thanks
Isobel Martin