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I set up this charity in memory of my first baby, Holly Rosamund Martin. Holly was stillborn shortly before her due date in 1985 . We were told there was no reason or cause for her death. It was devastating for my entire family and the feeling of loss remains to this day. 


Sadly we are not the only parents to experience the tragedy of stillbirth. One in every two hundred babies are stillborn, with nearly 23% of cases remaining unexplained. The statistics haven't changed much in over 20 years, but we are determined to make a change. 


The Holly Martin Stillbirth Research Fund is dedicated to promoting and funding stillbirth research. We are therefore supporting the research work of Dr. Alexander Heazell of The Manchester Academic Health Science Centre at St Mary’s Hospital, Manchester. By supporting research projects and raising awareness of stillbirth, we aim to get stillbirth on the public agenda. With 11 babies dying every day, it is time to do something about it!


Happily, my husband and I went on to have six more healthy children. We think of Holly every day and she continues to be a part of our family. No parent should have to endure the loss of a baby, and by helping to find the causes of stillbirth, we hope to give a happy ending to many more families. 


Thank you,

Watch our story!

Isobel Martin

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