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2015: The Year Of Progress

Happy New Year!

The start of a new year often brings new resolutions. At the Holly Martin Stillbirth Research Fund, we have made a resolution. We vow to make 2015 the year that counts in the fight against stillbirth. A new year is a new opportunity to raise awareness, to raise funds for the vital research projects at Manchester University, to act to prevent avoidable stillbirths. We can do all of this, with your help.

In January 2015 we will be spreading the word about the PSP stillbirth research survey ( This survey aims to create a shortlist of the top 10 unanswered questions about stillbirth to understand the stillbirth issues that really matter to parents, professionals and families. This survey closes on 2nd February 2015, so please take the time to complete it if you haven't already.

We predict that this year will bring great things for stillbirth research and awareness. There will also be more opportunities for you all to get involved in the fight against stillbirth, through fundraising or simply by raising awareness. If you are interested in raising funds for the Holly Martin Stillbirth Research Fund, you can get involved through the 'Join The Conversation' page - fill in the form, tell us your idea and we will give you tips and advice on running your fundraising event. We will also be posting advice on running fundraising events, event ideas and articles of interest for you to share.

Thank you so much for supporting our charity.


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